In 2019, Matt Jones embarked on a journey that began as a hobby but soon evolved into something much greater - Finger Lakes Laser. What started as a modest endeavor quickly gained momentum, earning Matt recognition as the business of the week by Finger Lakes Times within just a year of its inception. As Matt's business flourished, so did his commitment to giving back to the community. When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, Matt selflessly utilized his equipment to produce masks and 3D-printed fabric, offering them to the local community free of charge. His belief in the power of community support and generosity shone through, embodying the spirit of altruism in challenging times.
Despite setbacks caused by the pandemic, Matt persevered, leveraging his website and Facebook page to expand his business reach. With the guidance of SBDC advisor Kellie Greene, Matt enhanced his marketing strategy, paving the way for increased visibility and sales. In 2023, Matt ventured into new territory by attending his first craft show, which proved to be a resounding success, bolstering his online sales and attracting corporate clients like the Cayuga Lake Wine Trail and Aveco. However, just as momentum was building, tragedy struck when a fire ravaged Matt's business location, resulting in the loss of all equipment and work. Undeterred by adversity, Matt embraced the entrepreneurial spirit, choosing to rebuild rather than succumb to defeat. With unwavering determination, he embarked on the journey of resurgence, investing in new equipment and expanding his offerings to include a wider range of personalized gift items and jewelry. As 2024 unfolds, Matt sees it as the year of his comeback, positioning Finger Lakes Laser for a stronger future. He acknowledges that challenges are inevitable on the entrepreneurial path, but it's the response to adversity that defines success. With a steadfast resolve to succeed, Matt is poised to overcome any obstacle and write the next chapter of Finger Lakes Laser's success story. Reflecting on his journey, Matt shares, "The SBDC really helped me figure out my marketing strategy and pointed me in the right direction which has grown my business tremendously."
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